Fishing Report Ucluelet BC
June 26, 2012
One week brings a whole lot of change in Ucluelet! We had some days where we didn’t find many Chinook until 10 am before getting a whole bunch in a row and other days where we were done by 10 am with our limit. We fished Longbeach bank, Inside and Outside Lighthouse Bank, Florencia Bay, and the Shallows on Big Bank. A few Chinook in the 20-30 lb range have started to show and should be here with greater regularity in the next weeks. The wind the last 4 days has been non existent and we have had some very calm seas which have made things very pleasant indeed! Needlefish hutchies, 4 inch coyote and Silver Horde spoons are still the most popular. Most of the salmon have been coming close to the bottom which also means we are getting halibut there as well.
Coho have started to show and even at the lower depths while trolling for Halibut and Chinook. This may be an indicator that we will have a strong Coho season here. Over the next few weeks the Coho will put on a couple pounds.
Remember if you are fishing in Ucluelet to get your derby tickets for the Ucluelet Salmon Ladder Derby!
Pictured below is some of the happy clients from the past week!

Bart and Karen Jones with sons Brandon and Steven June 18, 2012

Bart and Karen Jones with sons Brandon and Steven June 19, 2012

Gary Strath, Neil Moffet, Bob Powell, Miles Glasman June 20, 2012

Brian Goodall, Lynn Kornet and Taylor Goodall June 21, 2012

David Cyr, father Wayne and Raymond Hillson June 22, 2012

David Cyr, father Wayne and Raymond Hillson June 23, 2012

Stewart and Darlene Robinson June 24, 2012

Dave Burch with a 29 lb Chinook weighed into the Salmon Ladder Derby June 26,2012