Salmon & Halibut
Chinook (King) salmon, Coho (Silver) salmon and halibut and ling cod are the species we target in Ucluelet. We also catch Sockeye salmon and lingcod as incidentals.
A Chinook salmon bigger than 15-20 lbs will usually put up a thrilling fight. When you get one of these large salmon on the line, you know you’re in for a battle.
The world record, sport-caught Chinook salmon was just over 97lbs. The record, sport-caught Chinook salmon for Ucluelet was about 63 lbs. Commercially, much larger Chinook have been caught, so it's just a matter of time before the record is broken again in Ucluelet. Larger Chinook salmon are delicious smoked, while the smaller ones (under 15 lbs) are great pan fried or on the BBQ. We catch Chinook salmon all year long. It is best in Ucluelet from April to September. In Victoria Chinook fishing is best from November to late April.

Halibut fishing is usually good from May right into August and September in Ucluelet and most trips we expect to catch our limit of 1 per day and 2 as the carrying limit. In Victoria you can catch them all winter and normal trips see 1-3 caught. Pictured above is the white side of the Halibut, the other side is dark. Halibut are hard targets for predators to see while lying on the bottom with the dark side facing up and the white side facing down. The white side often becomes red as the halibut migrate and move along the bottom.