Fishing Report
April 25, 2011
Fishing around Great Bear has started to pick up for feeder Chinooks. There are also some Chinook being caught around Sail Rock, however our boats have been generally fishing with good success around Great Bear. There is lots of needlefish around and that is a very good sign for things to come. Needlefish are a small narrow bait that is rich in fat content. Salmon seem to really enjoy feeding on this small bait and you can generally count on having good early season fishing with lots of needlefish hanging around. Most of the Chinook caught this time of year are between 7-15lbs, however you can get them up to 30lbs as well.We expect great things for 2011 in the area of large Chinook (King) salmon. This year is going to see many 4-5 year salmon returning and we are excited. 4-5 year salmon often mean that you are getting more salmon in the 25-45lb range. This always makes the anticipation great! Halibut limits have been set to the same as last year at 1 per day and 2 as your carrying limit.

Randy and Sarah Andrashewski and sons April 18, 2011 Chinook 12-18 lbs

Don MacDonald and Dianne Boisclair with Chinook 15-23 lbs April 19, 2011

Darcy Leavitt group April 20, 2011 with 8 Chinook salmon

Matt Harrison with dad Wayne April 22, 2011

Crabbing is good this time of year!