Fishing Report August 19, 2020 Ucluelet BC
This is the time of year many people wait for, especially these past few years. This year we are expected to get 80,000 Chinook up into Barclay Sound. Even half that number is good but this year the expectations are similar to last year. So far fishing has been good and some bites have been outstanding. The fishing spots are slightly different than last year but the good news is there are lots of Chinook here and the average size fish is higher than normal. We have caught few Chinook under 15lbs and lots in the high teens and low twenties. There have not been many over 30 taken but we are happy with strong numbers that have been going through.
Halibut fishing has been reasonably good at Big Bank. The black cod moved in for a few days which made things a bit tougher but the last few trips have been decent. Below are some pics for the past coulple weeks. We also post on FB and IG @salmoneyecharters on a regular basis.

Brian Parkinson and Beverly O'Connor with a good haul of Chinook salmon August 12, 2020

Matt Schemenauer and Jennifer Lang out for an afternoon August 13, 2020

Daren and Shannon Kennett with a nice catch August 13, 2020

Daren and Shannon Kennett with another nice catch August 14, 2020

Larry and Colin Nowaczyk holding Chinook salmon August 14, 2020

Daren Kennett holding 1 of a few lingcod caught August 15, 2020

Megan Buckland holding up a Chinook caught in Florencia August 15, 2020

Gates group with a couple nice Chinook and Vermillion caught the afternoon of August 16, 2020

Larry and Colin Nowaczyk holding halibut August 17, 2020

Jason Pederson and Christina Eastman with a catch of Chinook and Halibut August 17, 2020

Chinook and Coho caught by guide Sam after a couple hours fishing August 18, 2020

Coates group with a nice catch August 18, 2020

A dinner of Coho salmon August 18, 2020. So good!

Wintoniw group August 19, 2020