Fishing Report August 6, 2019 Ucluelet BC
The production at Big Bank continues to impress us with good numbers of Chinook, Coho and Halibut. Both the troll at the south egg and bottom bouncing at Hali West have produced halibut. We expect Big Bank to continue producing until at least mid August if not longer. Quite a few areas are producing fish on Big Bank which tells us there are a ton of fish out there.
The Chinook fishing has been a bit sporadic in close to shore with most bites coming around Wya and Florencia, The Red Can and Little Beach. However, the fishing in close has been a bit better than what we expected for late July/early August. The large run of Chinook we are expecting has started coming through earlier than expected and there are already Chinook up in the Port Alberni Inlet. This means the bites may start getting very good in close to shore soon. Why does this get us so excited? Because the smallest Chinook you generally catch here range from 12-30 lbs and almost all of the fish are returning to the rivers which means good size and good fights. So you need to get out fishing!
We still have a few day trips available and a couple packages so call as soon as you can to book . If you are looking for additional things to do check out
Below are some photos from the past couple weeks.

Keith laid out the catch July 25. This was just a few hours work!

Greanya group July 25, 2019 holding up a good catch.

Lougheed group July 26, 2019

Dave and Anja holding up a couple nice Chinook July 27, 2019

Lougheed group with some nice halibut July 28, 2019

Troy Lougheed with guide Andrew (and a halibut!) July 27, 2019

Owner Sam fishing the Ashbee group July 31, 2019

Owner Sam out for a morning fish in close to shore August 3, 2019

Silves group August 3, 2019 with Chinook and Coho from Big Bank

Rachey group August 4, 2019 fishing Big Bank

Silves group August 4, 2019

Jim Goertz holding up part of his catch August 5, 2019

Jim Goertz holding up a nice halibut August 5, 2019

Guide Andrew with a couple friends August 5, 2019

Terry Townend with a nice Chinook August 6, 2019 caught at South Bank