Fishiing Report for Ucluelet BC July 23, 2019
Fishing has been on fire at Big Bank for Chinook, Coho and Halibut. We have had multiple days where we were done in just a few hours with all species. Chinook and Coho fishing close to shore has been mostly good. As the season rolls on we are seeing way more fish than was predicted. The bait (feed) both in shore and offshore has been good. WYA point all the way down to Kirby in Barkley Sound has been producing Chinook and Coho including Beg, Great Bear, Cree, Effingham, and Swale Rock.
Below are are some photos from the past week.

Al Miller and Daryl Carr holding up two nice Chinook salmon July 17, 2019

July 17, 2018 with Allen group

Paul and Cody Zook July 18, 2019 holding up four Chinook salmon

Hoff group July 18, 2019

A Killer whale spotted close to shore July 19, 2019

Scenic cruise July 19, 2019

July 20, 2019 with the Hoff group fishing Barkley Sound

Chris Noyes July 20, 2019 showing off part of his group's catch

Josh Murakaus getting some fishy smell in a photo July 20, 2019

Hoff group July 22, 2019 with a Big Bank catch in just a couple hours

Mike Sullivan holding a nice Chinook July 22, 2019

Greanya group showing off their catch July 23, 2019