Fishing Report: Ucluelet, B.C. May 2, 2018
Fishing has been fairly normal for the early season with some faster bites on some days and slower on others. The larger salmon seem to be coming from Great Bear and in Barkley Sound, and the smaller salmon are coming from South Bank and Lighthouse Bank. The salmon are biting on small, 3” Silver Horde spoons and Purple Haze and White hutchies. Most fish are coming close to the bottom. There are halibut showing up on Lighthouse Bank and the bite seems to be early morning for them. Halibut are coming on anchor and also on the troll. Lingcod are around like normal. It’s time to grease your bearings, start up your motors and get your boat in the water! The reels have started screaming and there is nothing like fresh salmon on the BBQ.

A fun day out on the water April 26, 2018

A satisfying day's worth of fish for the early season, April 26, 2018