Fishing Report
July 30, 2014
We have been enjoying a whole month fishing Florencia Bay. It has been pretty consistent day to day and the water is some what sheltered making it the perfect place to fish with a great view in the background. The last part of the month we have been live squid fishing and this is by far the most fun I have had guiding this place. For any of you that have had a chance to do live bait it is very interactive and always has you on edge waiting for the next bite. We start jigging the squid first thing in the morning and then bait up for the early morning bite. Just a handful of boats are doing this here and we are having the time of our lives.Halibut has been fairly consistent just a couple miles off the bay. Some people are also trolling or jigging on inside lighthouse and inside south bank. Below are some pics from the past week!

Jack Howard showing off one side of a Starry Flounder caught at Florencia Bay July 23, 2014

Jack Howard holding the other side of the Starry Flounder. We are live squid fishing and catching a few of these in close to the kelp.

Bill Howard holding up a nice Chinook in Florencia Bay July 23, 2014

Jack and Bill Howard leaving the ladies behind for a men's trip July 23, 2014

Harlos group having a blast live squid fishing Florencia Bay July 23, 2014

Harlos group again loving the live squid fishing July 24, 2014

Brent Edelman Sr with Brent Edelman Jr July 25, 2014

Harlos group doing some live squid fishing then off to halibut July 25, 2014

Jeremy and Andrea Ryan getting a break from kids to do some live squid fishing July 25, 2014

Jeremy and Andrea Ryan living squid fishing Chinook in Florencia then Halibut fishing just outside July 26, 2014

Walker group having a blast live squid fishing salmon and then bottom bouncing halibut July 27, 2014

McPhail family celebrating Ron McPhail's 84th birthday with some live squid fishing July 29, 2014

Our guide Fred live squid fishing with Bill Gallucci at Florencia July 29, 2014

Guide Sam squid fishing in the Baha at Florencia Bay July 30, 2014

Bill Gallucci out for a solo fishing vacation July 30, 2014