Fishing Report - Ucluelet, July 11th, 2019
Chinook fishing saw some fairly impressive peaks last week mixed with a couple weather days that slowed production. The fleet was split between florencia and wya point. The most consistent producer over the last two weeks has been deep off the west side of Florencia Island. Volume Fisheries of 10 to 20 Chinooks a day were being seen regularly out at the 80 foot mark. The smaller the spoons the better as the primary feed was tiny bait fish. Coho killer is another obscure small spoons in white and chrome dominated the landscape.
As the week progressed the 90-foot fishery off Florencia slowed and the mature fish moved back into the bays and onto the squid. Not in significant volume but some real good quality came out of Flo Bay for those with patience.
Coho have come in spurts close to shore but every day you will likely be into some while fishing for Chinook mostly in the 5-10 lbs range.
Two very different tails on the halibut front this week. The near-shore Hali fishery within 10 miles came to a stop this week with low volumes of halibut and high numbers of dogfish. The Big Bank on the other hand is producing volume of chicken halibut. If you want production at the moment there's only one place to go, straight South to the Bank. Chickens (hali from 8-15lbs) are being taken everywhere from the shallows all the way to Hali West. With the offshore Chinook fishery opening this week we expect to see good volumes of incidental halibut being taken while trolling for Chinook offshore.
For anyone that still hasn’t booked your accommodation there isn’t much left so it would be good to check out Airbnb, HomeAway, and the Chamber of Commerce. We still have a few dates left in August blocked out for our Gold Packages, but it won’t be here long. You can check out for accommodation and for other things to do around Vancouver Island.
Below are pics from the past week!

Lots of Salmon = Smiling faces!

July 5th - One of our guides sons out on a father son trip

July 5th, Ewing group - Guided by Andrew

July 5th, Caelum Ewing - Guided by Andrew

July 8th, Peck group. Day one of a tow day charter - Guided by Andrew

July 8th, Eggland group - Guided by Keith

July 8th, Lucas - Guided by Darren

July 9th, Leeuw group - Guided by Scott