Fishing Report Ucluelet BC June 14, 2011
We have been getting Chinook in quite a few different spots this last week including Inside South, Outside South Bank, Lighthouse Bank, Long Beach Bank and Great Bear. The fish seem to be moving around quite a bit and spots often change from day to day. We are mostly trolling the bottom with spoons and hutchies and getting both salmon and halibut in the same spots. We are also getting Chinook up higher as well and this can change from day to day. Halibut have mostly been in the 12-40lb range while coming on the troll. Some days seem to be really great and some a little slower. The good thing is that the halibut are consistently being caught
We expect great things for 2011 in the area of large Chinook (King) salmon. This year is going to see many 4-5 year salmon returning and we are excited. 4-5 year salmon often mean that you are getting more salmon in the 25-45lb range. This always makes the anticipation great! Halibut limits have been set to the same as last year at 1 per day and 2 as your carrying limit.
We didn’t do too many trips in early June but will have more pictures soon. Around June 20 we will be fishing every day.

Chad and Sarah Trembath June 4, 2011 with 4 Chinook, 2 Coho and 2 Halibut.

Ed Stinnissen with friend Vic June 10, 2011 with Chinook and Coho

Ed Stinnissen and Vic June 12, 2011 finishing off their limit of Chinook, Coho and Halibut for their three day trip.

Helen and George Lim with Chinook and Halibut(the guides limit too) June 14,2011