2018 Fishing Recap
A big thank-you to everyone who came out for another fishing trip with us this past summer. Hi to all the people who couldn't make it, we missed you. The summer was a lot of fun again and there were lots of great catches.
April and May were great for early season and June was good as well--better than 2017. Early-Mid July was good inshore and Florencia. We had some fun fishing squid again--my favorite! The squid stayed there most of July, though the second half of July was a little slower with faster days mixed in. Mid-July to around August 20 was good for Chinook, Coho and Halibut off at Big Bank. The fishing picked up around August 18 at Wya and stayed good until about September 12 for the larger returning Chinook. Little Beach was not as good this year as last year, though there were a few good bites there.
I think we had more double hookups this year fishing Wya than any year in the past! The forecast was good for the local return to Barkley Sound and there were lots of screaming reels!
Stay tuned for the 2019 Fishing Forecast as it should be a good one!
Below are pictures starting in April and ending in September.

A fun day out on the water April 26, 2018

A satisfying day's worth of fish for the early season, April 26, 2018

Sam and Ross May 15, 2018

Sam and Ross being congradulated by family May 16, 2018
Sam and Ross May 17, 2018 with two halibut. They had to release about a 65lb halibut.

Sam and Ross being congradulated by family May 16, 2018

Henry and Nathan glamour shot with a good catch May 18, 2018
Lewins group May 20, 2018
Matt Lewans pulling in a small Chinook May 21, 2018
Matt Lewans again May 21, 2018. The water is so flat!
May 23, crabs for dinner?
Kemp group May 24, 2018
Tom Gobeille with a nice catch May 27, 2018
Tom Gobeille with another nice Chinook May 27, 2018
Tom and Lucas Gobeille with a good catch fishing Barkley Sound May 27, 2018.

Kiehlbauch group June 1, 2018

No one wanted to smile with these Chinook caught June 8, 2018

A nice Chinook from Eric June 9, 2018

A sample of the Jones catch June 11, 2018

Half of the Jones group June 11, 2018

The other half of the Jones group June 12, 2018
Kate and Jackson Edwards June 18, 2018

Kate and Jackson Edwards June 19, 2018

Day 1 for the Easter Group June 20, 2018
Rick and Dean Hanaway with some nice salmon and halibut June 20, 2018

Denise Nichols proudly showing off her lingcod June 21, 2018

The Nichols on day 3 with some good eating lingcod June 21, 2018.

The Pilkington's after a 6 hour trip June 30, 2018.

Edward and Mateo Simas on our brand new 28' Aluminium boat at the end of a 6 hour trip on July 3, 2018

Edward and Mateo Simas with their halibut catch on July 4, 2018

Edward and Mateo Simas with their catch on July 5, 2018

The Reese group with fresh salmon July 5, 2018

The Reese group with their salmon catch July 5, 2018

Austin with halibut and salmon catch at the end of his fishing trip. Way to go Austin! July 5, 2018

The Furman crew fishing with our guide Andrew. Nice salmon catch guys! July 9, 2018

The Wageman's with our guide Andrew at the end of a 4 hour trip July 9, 2018

Al Miller with a big Chinook salmon July 9, 2018

Furman getting a hold of his big halibut catch July 10, 2018

The Miller group with their salmon catch July 10, 2018

Tom Taylor with fresh salmon at the end of his fishing trip July 11th, 2018.
The weather just calmed down a bit today and we have a better forecast this week. Below are some pics from the last 10 days!

Lots of fish for the Detwiller group on July 14, 2018

The Detwiller crew at the end of their fishing day. They had a 'REEL' good time! July 14, 2018

Shawn Perrault's team on board with guide Andrew and their salmon catch of the day. July 17, 2018

The Perrault group on a 28' boat on July 28, 2018

Hooked on the beautiful sunrises in Ucluelet

The Krueger's on a 6 hour offshore fishing trip July 20, 2018

The Krueger's catch and fish is what's for dinner! July 20, 2018

Morning trip for the Palacios crew with their Chinook salmon catch July 20, 2018

The Harlos team with halibut on July 20, 2018

A happy fisherman and it's catch! Mission accomplished for Rutherford's team. July 20, 2018

The Rutherford's group at the end of their fishing day July 20, 2018

Dan Fudge and his son Andrew on a 25' boat for an 8 hour fishing trip July 21, 2018.
We post daily on instagram @ salmoneyecharters.

Guide Andrew holding up a skate his customers wanted to keep July 22, 2018

Margaret Garvey Holding up a Halibut August 2, 2018

Bartholemew Group holding up their halibut for the last of their limits for their trip, August 2, 2018

Nice background to the halibut grounds August 3, 2018

Good bucket of Halibut fillets August 3, 2018

Guide Scott showing off a halibut August 4, 2018

Part of the Doherty group with their halibut August 4, 2018 (their salmon was already filleted)

Halibut coming up to get released August 4, 2018

Part of the Doherty Group August 4, 2018.

Calvert's group on Aug 9th with Chinook and halibut, on Andrew's boat

Aug 9th on Andrew's boat Rick and Sam with their salmon catch

Aug 10th Rick Jackson and his big halibut, way to go!

Steven and Noreen Quesnelle on Aug 10th on a morning trip with Keith

Jim Erhardt's group on Aug 11th and their awesome salmon prizes!

Aug 11th on Andrew's boat, this girl can fish salmon!

Jim, Jeff and Mike with their salmon catch of the day! On Keith's boat Aug 12th

Al Miller group on Aug 13th and the beautiful sunrise on Sam's boat. They have been fishing with us since 2005!

John Fuller's group on Aug 13th and their many salmon. Lots of Chinook and Coho for dinner!

Halibut catch on morning of Aug 14th on Scott's boat. Nice catch Brian!

Piscitelli group and many Chinook and Coho on the boat. On Andrew's boat

Beautiful day for Rona and her big catch! Aug 15th on Scott's boat.

Chris Tennant and his son on a beautiful day for salmon fishing! Aug 16th on Andrew's boat

John Simon's group and they load of fish! Salmon and halibut were on fire on Aug 17th on Scott's boat

Warren Crain and his catch of the day! Way to go for your amazing halibut catch on Andrew's boat on Aug 18th

Lots of salmon and halibut for the Crain group on Andrew's boat Aug 18th

Jean and his big halibut on Aug 19, on Keith's boat

Jean Erickstad's group fishing halibut morning of Aug 19. Yup girls can fish!

Bruder's group having it all with great salmon catch on Aug 20th

Bruder's group on Scott's 28' boat on Aug 20th. Lots of salmon for dinner!

"Reel" nice catch you guys! Aug 20th

Richard Mcwhorter and his parter for some awesome salmon catch! On Keith's boat Aug 20th

The Bruder's with their guide Sam on Aug 21st, nice salmon!

Legend Brands with Andrew on Aug 21st. They are pretty happy of their salmon catch of the day!

Sturgeon's group on their second day out and coming back to the harbour their hands full of salmon. Aug 28th with Keith

No one wanted to smile with these Chinook caught June 8, 2018

A nice Chinook from Eric June 9, 2018

A sample of the Jones catch June 11, 2018

Half of the Jones group June 11, 2018

The other half of the Jones group June 12, 2018

McIntosh group June 13, 2018 with Chinook for 5 guys

The fifth guy appear in this McIntosh photo June 14, 2018

Dmytro Sawka and Crystal Anderson June 15, 2015

Jim and Paula Lodge June 15, 2018 for a 4 hour afternoon trip with 2 Chinook, 2 Coho

Dmytro and Crystal June 16, 2018

Dmytro and Crystal and guide Andrew June 17, 2018

Vermey group June 16, 2018

Teamwork for Dmtro and Crystal June 17, 2018

2 of the Vermey group June 17, 2018 (the others left for beer)

1st day for the Easter group June 18, 2017

Kate and Jackson Edwards June 19, 2018

Day 1 for the Easter Group June 20, 2018

Denise Nichols proudly showing off her lingcod June 21, 2018

The Nichols on day 3 with some good eating lingcod June 21, 2018.

Hammond family on a 4 hour afternoon trip enjoying some nice fish June 24, 2018

Woerner group with after a trip to Big Bank June 24, 2018. Mission accomplished!

Brother Steve and Lee with their catch June 25, 2018

A nice fishy photo June 25, 2018!

The Farynuk group June 26, 2018

The Farynuk group June 28, 2018 with the last of their limits June 28, 2018

Guide Keith doing a family trip and pulling a couple mid twenties Chinook June 28, 2018

The Beets group after a Big Bank trip June 29, 2018

The Beets group June 30 with nice sized Chinook. They went 5 for 14!

Edward and Mateo Simas on our brand new 28' Aluminium boat at the end of a 6 hour trip on July 3, 2018

Edward and Mateo Simas with their halibut catch on July 4, 2018

Edward and Mateo Simas with their catch on July 5, 2018

The Reese group with fresh salmon July 5, 2018

The Reese group with their salmon catch July 5, 2018

Austin with halibut and salmon catch at the end of his fishing trip. Way to go Austin! July 5, 2018

The Furman crew fishing with our guide Andrew. Nice salmon catch guys! July 9, 2018

The Wageman's with our guide Andrew at the end of a 4 hour trip July 9, 2018

Al Miller with a big Chinook salmon July 9, 2018

Furman getting a hold of his big halibut catch July 10, 2018

The Miller group with their salmon catch July 10, 2018

Tom Taylor with fresh salmon at the end of his fishing trip July 11th, 2018.
The weather just calmed down a bit today and we have a better forecast this week. Below are some pics from the last 10 days!

Lots of fish for the Detwiller group on July 14, 2018

The Detwiller crew at the end of their fishing day. They had a 'REEL' good time! July 14, 2018

Shawn Perrault's team on board with guide Andrew and their salmon catch of the day. July 17, 2018

The Perrault group on a 28' boat on July 28, 2018

Hooked on the beautiful sunrises in Ucluelet

The Krueger's on a 6 hour offshore fishing trip July 20, 2018

The Krueger's catch and fish is what's for dinner! July 20, 2018

Morning trip for the Palacios crew with their Chinook salmon catch July 20, 2018

The Harlos team with halibut on July 20, 2018

A happy fisherman and it's catch! Mission accomplished for Rutherford's team. July 20, 2018

The Rutherford's group at the end of their fishing day July 20, 2018

Dan Fudge and his son Andrew on a 25' boat for an 8 hour fishing trip July 21, 2018.
We post daily on instagram @ salmoneyecharters.

Guide Andrew holding up a skate his customers wanted to keep July 22, 2018

Julie Britt reeling in a salmon August 1, 2018

Larry Britt holding up a nice Chinook salmon August 1, 2018

Larry and Julie Britt with 2 nice halibut August 1, 2018

Larry and Julie Britt with 2 nice halibut August 1, 2018

Part of the Bartholemew catch August 2, 2018

Father and Son holding up 4 nice Chinook August 2, 2018 (Frank Hebert Sr, Jr)

Margaret Garvey Holding up a Halibut August 2, 2018

Bartholemew Group holding up their halibut for the last of their limits for their trip, August 2, 2018

Nice background to the halibut grounds August 3, 2018

Good bucket of Halibut fillets August 3, 2018

Guide Scott showing off a halibut August 4, 2018

Part of the Doherty group with their halibut August 4, 2018 (their salmon was already filleted)

Halibut coming up to get released August 4, 2018

Part of the Doherty Group August 4, 2018.

Calvert's group on Aug 9th with Chinook and halibut, on Andrew's boat

Aug 9th on Andrew's boat Rick and Sam with their salmon catch

Aug 10th Rick Jackson and his big halibut, way to go!

Steven and Noreen Quesnelle on Aug 10th on a morning trip with Keith

Jim Erhardt's group on Aug 11th and their awesome salmon prizes!

Aug 11th on Andrew's boat, this girl can fish salmon!

Jim, Jeff and Mike with their salmon catch of the day! On Keith's boat Aug 12th

Al Miller group on Aug 13th and the beautiful sunrise on Sam's boat. They have been fishing with us since 2005!

John Fuller's group on Aug 13th and their many salmon. Lots of Chinook and Coho for dinner!

Halibut catch on morning of Aug 14th on Scott's boat. Nice catch Brian!

Piscitelli group and many Chinook and Coho on the boat. On Andrew's boat

Beautiful day for Rona and her big catch! Aug 15th on Scott's boat.

Chris Tennant and his son on a beautiful day for salmon fishing! Aug 16th on Andrew's boat

John Simon's group and they load of fish! Salmon and halibut were on fire on Aug 17th on Scott's boat

Warren Crain and his catch of the day! Way to go for your amazing halibut catch on Andrew's boat on Aug 18th

Lots of salmon and halibut for the Crain group on Andrew's boat Aug 18th

Jean and his big halibut on Aug 19, on Keith's boat

Jean Erickstad's group fishing halibut morning of Aug 19. Yup girls can fish!

Bruder's group having it all with great salmon catch on Aug 20th

Bruder's group on Scott's 28' boat on Aug 20th. Lots of salmon for dinner!

"Reel" nice catch you guys! Aug 20th

Richard Mcwhorter and his parter for some awesome salmon catch! On Keith's boat Aug 20th

The Bruder's with their guide Sam on Aug 21st, nice salmon!

Legend Brands with Andrew on Aug 21st. They are pretty happy of their salmon catch of the day!

Gary's group on Aug 24th on Keith's boat with their salmon and halibut catch of the day.

Gary Greanya's group with lots of salmon on Keith's boat on Aug 24th

Aug 24th was a great day on Andrew's boat, we had Melody and a huge halibut catch!

That's a happy fisherman right there! Aug 25th, Brent Stickland's holding up a couple nice Chinook.

Lots of salmon for the Stickland group Aug 25th on Keith's boat

Sam, the owner showing his great catch of the day on Aug 25th.

Marc Robinson reeling in one of his fish on Sam's boat on Aug 26, 2018

The Kennett group looking happy with their salmon of the day on Aug 26th

Dave Sturgeon's group with guide Keith on Aug 27th showing off their salmon, way to go guys!

Kennett Group August 27 with the ones reeled in!

Sturgeon's group on their second day out and coming back to the harbour their hands full of salmon. Aug 28th with Keith

Guide Andrew holding up a nice Chinook on the way in the harbour August 28, 2018

Chelsea and Brooke holding up their catch August 28, 2018

Chelsea and Brooke holding up their catch August 28, 2018

Aug 28th, Kennett group's ready for a good salmon dinner!

Bob Skoien's group guided by Keith and catching lots of salmon! "Reel" nice catch you guys! 
A perfect September sunset to cap off the day with Sam

Sept. 1

September 2nd- Nothing beats a double header at Sunset.

September 3rd- Meunier group is all smiles with their catch!

Sept. 3rd- An impressive 50th birthday catch for the Wilkinson group

September 4th- Wilkinson group with an impressive load! We love when the ladies get their fish on!

Sept. 4th- Meunier Group was as it again on a perfect September day.

September 5th- Meunier group proudly displaying the days catch.

Sept. 9th -A nice haul on a foggy Ucluelet day

September 12th- Bayliss group maxing out on the days salmon catch with Andrew as their guide.

A perfect September sunset to cap off the day with Sam

Sept. 1

September 2nd- Nothing beats a double header at Sunset.

September 3rd- Meunier group is all smiles with their catch!

Sept. 3rd- An impressive 50th birthday catch for the Wilkinson group

September 4th- Wilkinson group with an impressive load! We love when the ladies get their fish on!

Sept. 4th- Meunier Group was as it again on a perfect September day.

September 5th- Meunier group proudly displaying the days catch.

Sept. 9th -A nice haul on a foggy Ucluelet day

September 12th- Bayliss group maxing out on the days salmon catch with Andrew as their guide.