Fishing Recap
Early Season ChinookMarch to May fishing was up and down with a range of 2-8 Chinook on most days. The weather often kept us in close but we still had decent success around Beg Island and Great Bear.
Summer Season Chinook
June started with reels screaming accompanied by good weather. There had been a great forecast for the Columbia River’s returning Chinook and they had a great return which we benefited from in June and July.
There was excellent fishing off South bank for most of June with catches mostly in 12- 25lb range.

June 19, 2013. June fishing was great!
We want to congratulate guest John Salcido for catching the largest Chinook in July for the local salmon derby weighing in a 29lbs 7 oz. We were all surprised that we didn’t see the usual 40lb+ Chinook taking the July derby and 50lb+ for the August. However, we do expect to see them next year for good reasons (see 2014 forecast below). July had very consistent Chinook fishing with many 30+ Chinook days in the 10-25lb range.

July 18, 2013. Lots of Chinook on Big Bank throughout July!
We weren’t sure what was going to happen in August based on forecasts, but we still had some good days for getting Chinook. There are lots of feeders as well as mature fish scattered in as well. During September feeders were the norm with a few mature Chinook taking the line.

August 31, 2013
Halibut Fishing
Halibut fishing was good all summer and we only had a couple days where we had to spend more time than usual on halibut. We spent a good part of the summer on Big Bank, so that meant we often trolled up halibut while salmon fishing.
Coho Fishing
We had fairly steady Coho fishing inside Barkley Sound. We had very good Coho fishing in July, August and early-mid September around Alley Rock. For all of you that are prone to sea sickness, this is a good option if you want to stay in protected waters.

Cory Longmore, Aaron Knight, Bob Longmore, Rob Darwin April 11, 2013

Jacklyn Duke and Kevin Gilbanic April 13, 2013

Our guide Dan caught this by "accident" while fishing ling cod April 16, 2013

May 4, Our guide Dan with a 19lb 2 oz Chinook

May 25.2013 fishing Long Beach Bank

May 26, 2013. 2 of 4 Chinook caught on Long Beach Bank

Halibut caught May 26, Long Beach bank

Halibut May 26, 2013 from Long Beach bank

Erik and Danika Milen June 4, 2013

David Morrissy, Ken Gordan and David Faith June 5, 2013

David Morrissy, Ken Gordan and David Faith June 6, 2013

David Morrissy and David Faith with a nice halibut June 7, 2013

David Morrissy and David Faith June 7, 2013

Derek Tessier and Andrea Strang June 8, 2013

Oneil Group June 13, 2013

Oneil Group June 14, 2013

Michael Horbay June 17, 2013

Perrault Group June 19, 2013

Perrault Group June 20, 2013

Perrault Group June 21, 2013

Desautels group June 22, 2013

Desautels group June 22, 2013

Desautels group June 23,2013

Desautels group June 24, 2013

Parnetta group June 28, 2013

Parnetta group June 29, 2013

McGranahan group June 30, 2013

Condon group July 1, 2013

Condon group July 2, 2013

Wasserman family July 3, 2013

Ron and Chris Marhofer July 6, 2013

Ron and Chris Marhofer July 7, 2013

Monai family July 8, 2013

Monai family July 9, 2013

Joel Cox with a 24 lb 14 oz Chinook weighed into the local Salmon Ladder Derby July 10, 2013

Marcoux group July 11, 2013

Al Miller with friend Bill July 16, 2013

Al Miller with friend Bill July 18, 2013

Obrien group July 18, 2013

O'brien group July 19, 2013

Rayden group July 20, 2013

Grundell group with some great fish!

Bill and Janette Schwandt with daughter-in-law Katie Bondie July 21, 2013

Dustin Johnson and Eric and Jayne Shwandt July 21, 2013

Bill and Eric Schwandt along with Dustin Johnson July 22, 2013

Warren group July 22, 2013

Tremonte group July 22, 2013

Tremonte group July 23, 2013

Claude and Charlotte O'Clair with grandson Tommy July 24, 2013

Tremonte group July 24, 2013

Miller family all the way from the UK July 25, 2013

Claude and Charlotte O'clair with grandson Tommy July 25, 2013

Hobaugh group from Pennsylvania July 26, 2013

Thomas Gleason and Patrick Law July 27, 2013

Drawhorn group July 28, 2013

Neal and Donna Griffith July 29, 2013

Neal and Donna Griffith July 30, 2013

Hamilton group August 2, 2013. What a great day!

Lau family enjoying a nice day on the water, August 2, 2013

Paul family from Minnesota to enjoy BC fishing! August 2, 2013

Calouro family from Ontario with a great catch August 3, 2013!

Hamilton group with another great day in Ucluelet August 3, 2013

Calouro group enjoying great Salmon and Halibut action August 4, 2013

Moore family, grandfather to grandson! August 4, 2013

MCeachern family fishing trip to Ucluelet August 5, 2013

Al Miller (BC) and friend Sam from San Diego August 5, 2013

Al and Sam with some great fishing again August 6, 2013

Kennett group with some nice Chinook August 7, 2013

Kennett group ladies only! August 7, 2013

Kennett ladies with friend Ali August 9, 2013

Rich family from Illinois! August 10, 2013

Austin group August 11, 2013 with their delicious salmon and halibut!

Wolfe group August 11, 2013 with a great load!

McIntyre group August 13, 2013 with a great family trip!

Tanna Oberlander reeling in a Chinook salmon August 13, 2013

Tanna Oberlander with her prized catch August 13, 2013

Beautiful sky while fishing August 13, 2013

Double fun for the Mike and Sarah Rumsey August 13, 2013

Russell family August 15, 2013 with 20 Coho for the third day of their fishing trip!

Cathcart group August 17, 2013

Roger and Susan Denilko August 18, 2013

Godberg group enjoying their 20's with a great fishing trip August 18, 2013!

Menon group from Colorado enjoying to great BC fishing August 18, 2013

Roger Danilko sitting in the picture for two people! August 19, 2013

Godberg group enjoying another great day fishing! August 19, 2013

Woodworth family from Washington enjoying fishing, whales and scenery August 19, 2013

Brendle Group August 20, lots of action and a great catch for these BC boys!

Ken Lennox with sons Matt and Stan August 20, 2013. A great day for Chinook salmon!

Brendle group again August 21 for another great haul of salmon, halibut and ling cod!

Steve Woodworth with daughter Heather August 21, 2013

Ucluelet Harbour August 22, 2013

View of fog line below the mountains the morning of August 22, 2013

Rizutto family August 22, 2013 enjoying west coast Vancouver Island fishing!

Alberta boys Brian Knutson and sons Kel and Kyle August 24, 2013

Jarusiewicz group August 24, 2013 with some tired arms and happy faces!

Knutson boys again with guide Fred August 25, 2013

Heading out to Big Bank August 31, 2013

A busy day at Big Bank August 31, 2013!

Leitner group enjoying big Chinook and lots of action August 31, 2013

Ferrara group August 31, 2013 with lots of action on Big Bank!

Tanna Oberlander holding up a Chinook salmon caught at the Lighthouse September 3, 2013

Capturing beautiful Ucluelet in September while fishing!

Entrance of the Ucluelet harbour at sunset September 2013.

Guide Sam Vandervalk during sunset hours enjoying the natural beauty!

Sam Vandervalk and Tanna Oberlander doing some fun fishing for Coho September 12, 2013

Guide Sam Vandervalk heading out for a fun afternoon September 14, 2013

A nice Coho salmon about 12lbs caught September 14, 2013

Nice coho caught in a couple hours of fishing the evening of September 14, 2013