Picture Blog

Acme group August 1, 2011

Michael Toy group Aug 1, 2011

Howard Van Deusen Aug 4, 2011

Eric Schmidt group Aug 4, 2011

John Brown group August 6, 2011

John Brown group August 8, 2011

Al Miller with friend Sam Aug 8,2011

Al Miller August 10, 2011

August 10, 2011 Al Miller and friend Sam

August 10, 2011 Al Miller with about an 18lb Coho just before we released it(you can hold it on the outer part of the gill plate without harming the fish)

Daren Kennett group August 12, 2011

Daren Kennett group August 13, 2011

Daren Kenett group August 14,2011

Lake family August 15,2011

Lake family August 17,2011

Stickland Anual fishing trip August 20,2011

Bill Bruder group August 21, 2011

Bill Bruder group 2 August 21, 2011

Dee Poplar group August 23, 2011

Dee Poplar group August 24, 2011

Frank Cerney and Cees Schep August 26,2011 with a 40lb 5 oz Chinook being weighed into the salmon derby.

Maxfield group August 27,2011

Maxfield group August 28,2011

Keith Mose July 1, 2011

Johnson family July 5, 2011

Al Miller and Ken Bottomly July 7, 2011

Berteig family fishing trip July 8, 2011

Al Miller and Ken Bottomly July 8, 2011

Berteig family July 9, 2011

Jim Van Blommstein July 10, 2011

Rod Whettel group July 17, 2010

Garth MacFarlane with Guide Sam Vandervalk July 20 with a Chinook that took 4th place in the Salmon Ladder Derby at 35 lbs 11 oz..

Garth MacFarlane group July 20, 2011

Mark Hill group July 25, 2011

Roger Olsen group July 26, 2011

Will Sutter group July 31, 2011

Chad and Sarah Trembath June 4, 2011 with 4 Chinook, 2 Coho and 2 Halibut.

Ed Stinnissen with friend Vic June 10, 2011 with Chinook and Coho

Ed Stinnissen and Vic June 12, 2011 finishing off their limit of Chinook, Coho and Halibut for their three day trip.

Helen and George Lim with Chinook and Halibut(the guides limit too) June 14,2011

Glen Maxwell and Paul Sarasas June 20, 2011

Gerry Wood June 23, 2011. Biggest was 27lbs.

The Risso group June 25, 2011

Harvey Bergen group June 26, 2011

Neil and Nancy Browne June 28, 2011

Randy and Sarah Andrashewski and sons April 18, 2011 Chinook 12-18 lbs

Don MacDonald and Dianne Boisclair with Chinook 15-23 lbs April 19, 2011

Darcy Leavitt group April 20, 2011 with 8 Chinook salmon

Matt Harrison with dad Wayne April 22, 2011

Crabbing is good this time of year!

Chris and Jackie Thompson April 30, 2011 with Chinook 12-15 lbs

Brian and Marilyn Bittorf, Allen and Donna Mcaskile May 4, 2011 with 8 Chinook and 4 halibut

Dick Anderson, Dan Brown, Andy Ladder, Shawn Hagans May 27 with Chinook 10-15 lbs

John Bdzil with Son in Law Kevin and Daughter Kathy, grandkids Sean Erin and Colin May 27, 2011

John Bdzil with Son in Law Kevin and Daughter Kathy, grandkids Sean Erin and Colin May 28

Tony Giasson, John Giasson and Darcy Skow May 30, 2011