Fishing Report June 20, 2021 Ucluelet BC
Chinook Fishing has continued to be good during June with the exception of a few days around some stormy weather. Chinook fishing has continued to be good close to the harbour and lately in mostly protected water. Some of the spots are shallow water which makes the fight even better as Chinook are a deep water fish, generally wanting to dive deeper when hooked. It seems that it isn't necessarily more baitfish hanging around the shore but rather higher numbers of salmon along the coast since we have seen consistent fishing during April and May as well. We are now going into what we consider our prime season though the fishing has been so consistent it is possible that there will be a large jump up in numbers of Chinook caught.Halibut
The halibut fishing has been very good in quite a few places. Recently it started to get good closer in again. Whether we have had to drive 17 miles out or fish 10 miles out, the fishing has been quite consistent. It looks like we should have great fishing going in to July and it may just be the best we have seen in a while.If you are looking to book a fishing trip make sure you do so right away as there is not a lot of space or accommodation availability. We do have our packages which include accommodation.
Below are some pics from the last week:

Two halibut on one spreader bar!!

What a surprise!!

Great collection of fish for 3 happy guys! (only 1 wanted a photo)

Same group-- 3 guys but only one wanted a photo!

June 10, halibut were biting well, salmon lost its head!

Phillips group June 17

Terminal Auto Body guys from Parksville June 19