Fishing Report: Ucluelet, B.C. Aug 29, 2018
Chomp chomp! The rocks are packed with hungry salmon. Wya Point is at the center of the action producing days of 10-20 Chinooks from 10-25lbs. The early part of the day can be the fastest though the past couple days have seen a fast bite all day. Be prepared for lots of them to unhook as many anglers are seeing a 30-50% catch rate for fish hooked. For those who want to fish the flat water Barkley Sound is seeing Chinooks being caught in volume from Cree Island all the way back to Pill point.
The offshore fishery has seen the volume of Chinooks decline while enormous amounts of Coho continue to pass through the grounds. The remaining Chinooks on Big Bank are being taken on the ground underneath the swaths of Coho. Try trolling the floor with big hoochies for Chinooks and halibut.
Halibut are still being taken off big Bank although the catch effort has lessened with the majority of the rod time taking place inshore for chinooks. Halibut anchor sessions in the shallows are producing fish from 10 to 40 lbs however not with the consistency of prior weeks. Try trolling the ground up around The Whale's Tale as it seems to be holding good volume of chicken halibut from 8-15lbs.
If you are still wanting to come fishing in September we have a few afternoon 4-6 hour trips left and some packages/8 hour trips after September 6. We are also booking for 2019. The best time to come is June 20-September 10. Our most common fishing packages are our Gold and Silver fishing packages. For more things to do in Ucluelet/Tofino check out

If you are still wanting to come fishing in September we have a few afternoon 4-6 hour trips left and some packages/8 hour trips after September 6. We are also booking for 2019. The best time to come is June 20-September 10. Our most common fishing packages are our Gold and Silver fishing packages. For more things to do in Ucluelet/Tofino check out

Gary's group on Aug 24th on Keith's boat with their salmon and halibut catch of the day.

Gary Greanya's group with lots of salmon on Keith's boat on Aug 24th

Aug 24th was a great day on Andrew's boat, we had Melody and a huge halibut catch!

That's a happy fisherman right there! Aug 25th, Brent Stickland's holding up a couple nice Chinook.

Lots of salmon for the Stickland group Aug 25th on Keith's boat

Sam, the owner showing his great catch of the day on Aug 25th.

Marc Robinson reeling in one of his fish on Sam's boat on Aug 26, 2018

The Kennett group looking happy with their salmon of the day on Aug 26th

Dave Sturgeon's group with guide Keith on Aug 27th showing off their salmon, way to go guys!

Kennett Group August 27 with the ones reeled in!

Sturgeon's group on their second day out and coming back to the harbour their hands full of salmon. Aug 28th with Keith

Guide Andrew holding up a nice Chinook on the way in the harbour August 28, 2018

Chelsea and Brooke holding up their catch August 28, 2018

Chelsea and Brooke holding up their catch August 28, 2018

Aug 28th, Kennett group's ready for a good salmon dinner!

Bob Skoien's group guided by Keith and catching lots of salmon! "Reel" nice catch you guys!