Fishing Report
June 21, 2015
Since our last posted report June 11, fishing has just been going bonkers. Our guests are limiting out every day with Chinook salmon and most days they are getting opportunities to get into 20 plus pound Chinook. There have been a few stories of big ones that got away, though there are also some nice ones caught as well. We are only fishing a short distance from the harbour in somewhat protected water. The weather has been balmy and the fishing hot–what more could you ask for a on vacation! We have been getting July like weather and fish. We are using small spoons and white glow hutchies as the Chinook are feeding on both squid and small feed. We are also getting a few halibut as well, though we haven’t tried much for them the past week.Below are some pics since the last report!

Friends Tom, John, Dave and Greg out to catch some nice Chinook June 13, 2015

The Terminal Auto Body crew out for some good action June 14, 2015

Jim Lepien with daughter Sarah June 15, 2015

The Howe family June 18, 2015

John Lewis and Rodney Hollingsworth June ,18 2015

Dan and Kim Leigh along with McKenna and Courtenay June 20,2015

Gary Greanya, Arden Greanya and Aiden June 20, 2015

Cedar Ridge Homes boat 1 June 20, 2015

Cedar Ridge boat 2 June 21, 2015

Cedar Ridge crew boat 1 June 21, 2015